
No free lanes on this day.
auto­mat­ic bumpers

Bowl­ing &
Amer­i­can Restau­rant with Bar

Bowl­ing & Amer­i­can Restau­rant with bar in Warne­mu­nde, direct­ly at the har­bor exit to the Baltic Sea, with a direct view of the cruise-ter­mi­nal.

Our 10 com­pe­ti­tion proved Brunswick bowl­ing lanes are suit­able for all ages and abil­i­ties, from the pro­fes­sion­al bowler to the recre­ation­al bowler, com­pa­nies, clubs or fam­i­lies with children.

0381–51316 Call us from 9 p.m. onwards.

If you would like to reserve a lane out­side the open­ing hours, please con­tact us!
If all the bowl­ing lanes are occu­pied, you can short­en the wait­ing peri­od with bil­liards, air hock­ey or oth­er games. Or you can enjoy a drink or snack at our Amer­i­can Bar and enjoy the view of the cruise ship terminal.

Unsere Öff­nungszeit­en
Monatevon — bisoffen ab Uhrzeit
Jan. — Okt.Mo. bis Fr.ab 15:00 Uhr
Sa. bis So.ab 14:00 Uhr
Novem­berMo. bis Do.ab 15:00 Uhr
Fr. bis Soab 14:00 Uhr
Dezem­berMo. bis Do.ab 15:00 Uhr
Fr. bis So.ab 14:00 Uhr
25. & 26.12.14:30 — 23.30 Uhr 
27. bis 30.12.14:00 — 23.30 Uhr
Sil­vester14.00 — 22.00 Uhr

Extra open­ing hours

Due to pop­u­lar demand by school class­es, com­pa­nies, etc., we open the fol­low­ing days before 3 pm.

  • 11.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • 16.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • 17.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • 18.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • 19.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • 20.12. opens at 10 o’clock
  • Christ­mas holidays
    25.12. — 31.12. opens at 14.00 o’clock

If you want to bowl these days – give us a call! We will reserve your lane(s).

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