Terms and con­di­tions (GTC) of „Ost­see­bowl­ing Warnemünde“
Our main focus is hav­ing fun at bowling.
To make sure that this is pos­si­ble for every­one, we made some rules:
Terms and con­di­tions devi­at­ing from our gen­er­al terms and con­di­tions only apply if they are con­firmed in writ­ing by the management.

  1. Change into your bowl­ing shoes before enter­ing the bowl­ing area and take no food or drinks or oth­er items not required for bowl­ing with you.
    Bowl­ing shoes have a sole that allows slid­ing when releas­ing the bowl­ing ball.
    Sneak­ers or indoor shoes are not per­mit­ted (and not suitable).
    The approach­es have a spe­cial coat­ing, which can be dam­aged with oth­er shoes. Bowl­ing shoes pro­tect the approaches.
    Sneak­ers or indoor shoes are not permitted.
    Bowl­ing shoes are spe­cial shoes and can be bor­rowed at the counter for a rental fee.
    Leav­ing the bowl­ing cen­ter with bowl­ing shoes on (even if it’s their own pair of shoes) is strict­ly for­bid­den. It will dam­age the spe­cial leather sole. You’re bring­ing in dirt from the out­side, which leads to con­t­a­m­i­na­tion or dam­age of the approaches.In case of vio­la­tion you are oblig­ed to pay imme­di­ate com­pen­sa­tion for damages
  2. Cross­ing the foul line of the lanes is strict­ly for­bid­den due to the risk of falling. The first third of the lanes is oiled – slip haz­ard! Addi­tion­al­ly this area is marked by appro­pri­ate signs in the bowl­ing cen­ter. We assume no lia­bil­i­ty for dam­ages or per­son­al injury caused by non-com­pli­ance of this rules.
  3.  We assume no respon­si­bil­i­ty for dam­ages or loss of per­son­al items such as clothes or oth­er pri­vate prop­er­ty like cell phones, wal­lets, cash, etc.
  4. The lanes are assigned at the counter.  The cos­tumer has no claim to a spe­cif­ic lane.
  5. By mak­ing a reser­va­tion you enter a legal­ly bind­ing rental con­tract. A free CANCELLATION of the order is pos­si­ble until 48 hours before the start of the stay at any time.If you fail to time­ly can­cel the reser­va­tion you will be billed at 35.00 EURO per hour and bowl­ing lane. In case of unpunc­tu­al­i­ty, the reser­va­tion is can­celed 10 min­utes after the start of the reser­va­tion. The counter can rent the lane out to oth­er cos­tumers. In case of a late arrival of the cos­tumer there is no right to claim addi­tion­al time. (See also sec­tion 7)
  6. All lane, event and food reser­va­tions are bind­ing and are tak­en with name, address and tele­phone num­ber. The counter or ser­vice per­son­nel is enti­tled to check the cor­rect­ness of the data provided.
  7. If you don’t turn up for your reser­va­tion or order, the fol­low­ing applies:If you fail to time­ly can­cel the reser­va­tion / order one day at the lat­est you will be invoiced accord­ing to the cur­rent price list.
  8. If a bowl­ing lane stops work­ing and can­not be repaired imme­di­ate­ly as well as tech­ni­cal fail­ures due to „force majeure“ (pow­er fail­ures etc.) the cus­tomer is not enti­tled to claim compensation.Bowling lane break­downs are unpleas­ant, but not cal­cu­la­ble. We fix them as soon as possible.
    If nec­es­sary and pos­si­ble, we will offer you a replace­ment lane to con­tin­ue bowl­ing. You are then free to ter­mi­nate your reser­va­tion.  We charge the frames / games that were played until this moment.
  9. If a time­ly start of the game for what­ev­er rea­sons is not pos­si­ble the cos­tumer is not enti­tled to claim indem­ni­fi­ca­tion or exten­sion of the play­ing time.
  10. Smok­ing is pro­hib­it­ed in the entire bowl­ing cen­ter (except for the area in the front hall).
  11. All inci­dents of van­dal­ism or will­ful dam­age to the facil­i­ty, theft, bilk­ing, drug abuse and the likes will be reported.
  12. The ser­vice per­son­nel is enti­tled to col­lect the amount due for the lane before­hand as well as the total sum of the food and drinks imme­di­ate­ly after the serving.
  13. Con­sum­ing of out­side food and drinks are not allowed in our facility.
  14. Food and drinks are not allowed in start­ing range. Due to con­t­a­m­i­na­tion there is an increased risk of acci­dents and any spillage or lane prob­lems must report imme­di­ate­ly to a mem­ber of staff.
  15. Be cer­tain you wait until the pin set­ting machine has com­plet­ed its cycle and the sweep bar is raised before rolling the ball. It is strict­ly for­bid­den to throw the ball before that. We assume no lia­bil­i­ty for dam­ages or per­son­al injury caused by non-com­pli­ance of this rule.
  16. The use of the bowl­ing facil­i­ty is at your own risk. You can choose bowl­ing balls from our „house“ balls which we offer in var­i­ous weights and sizes. You may use your own balls whilst bowl­ing. We do not, how­ev­er, take any respon­si­bil­i­ty for dam­age that might arise from the use of your own balls, shoes or oth­er per­son­al equip­ment and any use is whol­ly at your own risk.
  17. Chil­dren under the age of 14 can­not be left unat­tend­ed in the bowl­ing cen­ter. The oper­a­tor assumes no lia­bil­i­ty for dam­ages or per­son­al injury caused by neg­li­gent super­vi­sion of chil­dren by their par­ents or custodian.
  18. The cus­tomer has to fol­low and obey the instruc­tions of the super­vi­so­ry staff as well as ser­vice per­son­nel. Any vio­la­tion of these rules will result in your lane(s) being closed or even be banned from the facil­i­ties as well as requests of com­pen­sa­tion for damages.
  19. We assume no lia­bil­i­ty for the pub­lished price list being up-to-date. We reserve the right to change prices with­out pri­or notice. Unless explic­it­ly stat­ed oth­er­wise, all prices are inclu­sive of statu­to­ry val­ue-added tax.
  20. Unless express­ly agreed oth­er­wise, the total fee is due for pay­ment imme­di­ate­ly after using the lane. Delayed pay­ment enti­tles employ­ees to cease all fur­ther and future ser­vices to the customer.
    If the invoice exceeds EUR 200, — or if the cus­tomer is stay­ing in the facil­i­ty for a longer peri­od, the ser­vice per­son­nel is enti­tled to charge an inter­im invoice and demand pay­ment from the customer.
  21. Card pay­ments: The Cred­it Card Pro­cess­ing Fee is cur­rent­ly 3% of the amount to be paid
  22. Not valid in com­bi­na­tion with any oth­er discount
    Vouch­ers are not refund­able in cash
    Per­cent-Off Coupons are only valid for bowl­ing games
    By enter­ing out facil­i­ty, you agree to abide by these terms and conditions.

As at Jan­u­ary 1st 2012

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