Win a scoot­er with a score of 278 pins or a bike with 222 pins or a 300 bowl­ing ball!

Win­ner 2018 with 222 pins

With Top­Case, ABS, alarm sys­tem, white indi­ca­tors, rims paint­ed in vehi­cle color

Moun­tain­bike or trekkingbike

Bowl­ing­ball 300’ter Spiel
For the per­fect game
– 300 Pins –
We give you the per­fect bowl­ing ball as a gift

** Only for recre­ation­al bowlers, not pro­fes­sion­al bowlers. To par­tic­i­pate the recre­ation­al bowler has to use our bowl­ing balls and our rental shoes, has paid the com­plete price (no dis­count or reduc­tion) and has bowled the exact num­ber of pins (222 pins, 278 pins). It can­not be redeemed for cash!
The win­ner is respon­si­ble for the reg­is­tra­tion and the trans­port of the prize.

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